
In Charlotte (North Carolina) Lizanne and Peachy Magazine filled the charming interior design offices of Holly Hollingsworth, rather marvelously called The English Room, well particularly marvelous when you are inviting guests to An English Tea Party. Holly’s fluorescent pink shoes on her zebra carpet were quite a highlight, along with two toned sandwiches, yes two toned cucumber sandwiches. Brown bread on one side, white on the other.

That evening a group of us went out for dinner and shared some extraordinary and stirring stories. As we were leaving Lizanne gave me the simple strand of beads that she had been wearing. I tired to give them back but she insisted. “They stand for wisdom, virtue, fortune and most importantly dignity,” she explained, as she tied them around my wrist. I promised her I would do my best to make sure that the company we were building did not forget those words.



3 thoughts on “Charlotte”

  1. I am deeply blessed for having IH in my life. She carries the highest standards for empowering women, giving them her talents, passions, and giving us the gift of her products to make life changing opportunities. India has blended each one of her collections with the utmost detail, creating a line of products that excite the senses from her fragrances to her bags and recent addition the Love Tokens. I am bound in honour to YOU… LOVE YA HONEY… Lizanne

  2. India,
    The above comment by Lizanne states it well, I agree! Thank you,
    Donna Maher Snyder

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